
Milieu by Julie Keating and Alison McIntosh

Milieu Is a joint exhibition by regional artists, Julie Keating and Alison McIntosh. While their work is quite different and they work in isolation, they share an interest in their rural environment.

Julie’s work is a direct response to the catastrophic fires that have swept through so much of the country. Living in the Otways she did not have to travel far to witness first hand the bleak and  blackened landscape, the strange silence of what was once lush forest. But Julie’s work inspires optimism, appearing in this monochromatic world, life appears, in all its beauty of colour and detail.

Alison’s work is based on stories told, and observations of people and animals.” Milieu” provides an opportunity to explore the relationships between animals, people and their environment. Living in the country this connection is evident in so many situations. At times there is a co-dependency with animals and at other times we are simply the observer.  Through her colourful play of rich oils and glazes, shapes and textures, Alison attempts to give voice to a language which is wordless.